Report from MIPS Course in Ljubljana

Laparoscopic Course - Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy on Pelvitrainers
Ljubljana, 8.September 2017
The Slovene Urogynecological Society under supervision of prof. Adolf Lukanović and Mediterranean Incontinence and pelvic floor society (MIPS) organized an international workshop on laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy on pelvitrainers. The first workshop was held in University Medical Centre Ljubljana on 8th September 2017. The aim was to upgrade the basic knowledge with the latest findings in the field of laparoscopic surgery in urogynecology. It enabled participants to acquire both advanced theoretical and practical experiences. The lecturers were Kristina Drusany Starič MD, PhD, Katja Jakopič, MD, Mija Blaganje MD, PhD, Nataša Kenda MD, PhD, Matija Barbič, MD, PhD. The MIPS laparoscopic course was a 10-hour intensive course, attedend by 20 participants, which consisted of two parts. The first part included theoretical lectures about basics of laparoscopic (LPSC) sacrocolpopexy surgery (instruments, meshes, suturing techniques, tips and tricks), which was followed by practical exercises of laparoscopic suturing on pelvitrainers. After a lunch break, we continued with the second part of the course, where the indications and techniques of LPSC sacrocolpopexy and its possible intra- and postoperative complications were presented. Theoretical part was again followed by hands on training on pelvitrainers in pairs. With the help of pelvitiners we enabled the simulation of LPSC sacrocolpopexy, where candidates could learn the preparation of tissue, positioning and suturing of the mesh and its fixation on the model of the sacrum. The feedback of participants to the course was very positive and need for more such workshops was expressed.