MIPS Lecture at SIUD National Congress Bari, 20 June 2015
Successful MIPS Lecture at SIUD National Congress held in Bari (Italy) from 18 to 20 June 2015.
Title: Basic science research on pelvic floor ageing | Prof. Diaa Rizk
Introduction: Enrico Finazzi Agrò
Discussant: Biagio Adile
•There is a synergistic and DELETERIOUS interaction between hypoestrogenism and normative ageing on the pelvic floor of old OVX rats
•The proof of concept of independent and non estrogen-mediated ageing changes in the pelvic
floor and the ability of estrogen/ghrelin combination to reverse these changes was achieved in our animal model with these data
•Our results should be examined in clinical studies to investigate the full therapeutic potential of estrogen/ghrelin combination in geripausal women

Key messages
•Ageing of the female pelvic floor is similar to cognitive function that gradually declines with ageing but is accelerated after menopause
•Geripausal pelvic floor dysfunction is definitely expected to increase because the female population of the world is ageing (Demand for health care service is expected to increase by twice in the next decade).
•A woman’s programmed biological age or reproductive span CANNOT be reversed but medical science can substantially contribute to geripausal pelvic floor research