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MIPS Educational Course | Split - Report from the local Chairs

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The first MIPS Educational Course was held in a beautiful venue, the hotel le Meridien, in a popular Dalmatian city with Roman heritage - Split. On the opening ceremony, guests could enjoy in singing of the vocal male group typical for Dalmatia (region of Croatia). Programme covered all topics related with pelvic floor: from childbirth, through reconstructive operative procedures and their complications, including urological complications of radical operative procedures in pelvis, non invasive and invasive therapy of pelvic floor dysfunctions. Highlight of the programme was excellent lecture of Dr Kojovic about sex reassignment surgery with his own results. During Course altogether seven workshops were held: about laser in treatment of SUI and vaginal distension syndrome, radio-frequency in the treatment of vulvar laxity, 3D ultrasound for diagnosis of pelvic floor disorders, and technology in therapy of pelvic pain, prostatitis and erectile disfunction. Course was sponsored by 15 exhibitors and supported by 90 attendees.

Good Mediterranean food and wine have made are guests even happier and most of them are quite sure that they will book their summer holidays in Split.

We thank all our chair and lectures for their effort and support and especially to our dear Natalia.

Best regards to all,

Local chairs

Ingrid Marton

Deni Karelovic


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